Movement onset is associated with transient increases in FC. FC was analyzed by means of HCA and CCM, for three temporal windows (top, I, Baseline: −0.76 to 0.26; middle, II, Onset: −0.32 + 0.28; bottom, III, Grasp: 0.4-0.9 s with respect to MoveON), which were defined using a sliding time window yielding the highest and lowest Ward values, left inset. A strong decrease in the Ward values is observed from the baseline (I) to the onset (II) phase. This decrease is transient, as during the grasp phase (III) there is an abrupt shift toward rearrangement of the FC, shown by high Ward values. An equal cutoff was chosen for each temporal window, and the resulting clusters are color-coded in the figure based on the four clusters emerging during the grasp phase. The first cluster (green) contains visual areas. The second (magenta) is comprised of a heterogeneous set of areas, including the somatosensory areas, both RFA and CFA, some visual areas, and all the RSPs. The yellow cluster includes the somatosensory areas of the mouse's snout, whereas the last cluster (cyan) consists of the MOs, MOp, SSp-ul, and SSp-un. During the grasp phase, some areas maintain highly positive cross-correlation values. A trend toward anticorrelation arises between the areas representing the mouse's snout. For each CCM, insets represent the seed-pixel analysis (SCA) for four areas: seeds, which represent the four clusters emerging during the III phase. This analysis also highlights that during the grasp phase two anticorrelated networks emerge across both hemispheres. Correlation coefficients (CC; −1 indicates anticorrelation, 1 indicates correlation) are color-coded (cool warm color map). Black dots represent bregma. Scale bar, 1 mm for all insets.