(a) Intraoperative findings of a medial osteochondritis
dissecans (OCD) lesion of the talus after medial malleolar osteotomy
(arrow = lesion, ant = anterior, prox = proximal, pos = posterior, dis =
distal, MM = medial malleolus after osteotomy). (b)
Intraoperative findings of a medial OCD lesion of the talus after medial
malleolar osteotomy (arrowhead = osteochondral autograft transplant in
the anterior part of the lesion, gray arrow: remaining posterior part of
the lesion to be transplanted; ant = anterior, prox = proximal, pos =
posterior, dis = distal, MM = medial, malleolus after osteotomy, white
arrow: retromalleolar tendons). (c) Postoperative x-ray
(anteroposterior view) showing the ankle joint after refixation of the
medial malleolus with 2 screws. (d) Postoperative x-ray
(lateral view) showing the ankle joint after refixation of the medial
malleolus with 2 screws.