Study design. Cartilage constructs with central defects were generated
through dissection of articular cartilage to model a confined cartilage
defect. The central defects were grafted with a BioCartilage/BMC mixture
which was sealed with 1 of 5 types of fibrin glue to model cartilage
repair. Repair constructs were cultured for 24 or 48 hours then imaged
using live/dead confocal microscopy and SEM. For SEM, cartilage defects
were also grafted with isolated bone marrow-derived MSC or articular
chondrocytes. IL-1RA was measured in medium and biologics (PRP, PPP,
BMC, commercial fibrin glue). Proteomics was performed on BioCartilage.
BMC, bone marrow concentrate; SEM, scanning electron microscopy; PRP,
platelet-rich plasma; PPP, platelet-poor plasma; IL-1RA, interleukin-1
receptor antagonist. Letters in parentheses denote source: H, human; E,