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. 2022 Feb 2;9:6. doi: 10.1186/s40662-022-00277-3

Table 4.

Summary of literature review for image enhancement (denoising and super-resolution) tasks using GAN in ophthalmology imaging domains

Publication Basic technique Domain Target Summary
Halupka et al. [48] Modified Wasserstein GAN + perceptual loss (conditional GAN) Retinal OCT (spectral domain) Removing speckle noise The GAN was used to reduce speckle artifacts in retinal OCT images. The method improved the image quality metrics for OCT
Mahapatra et al. [55] PGGAN with a conditional design Fundus photography Super-resolution Image super-resolution using multi-stage PGGAN outperforms competing methods and baseline GANs. The super-resolved images can be used for landmark and pathology detection
Huang et al. [49] Conditional GAN Retinal OCT Super-resolution and removing noise The GAN model effectively suppressed speckle noise and super-resolved OCT images at different scales
Ouyang et al. [51] Conditional GAN Anterior Segment OCT Removing speckle noise The model removed undesired specular artifacts and speckle-noise patterns to improve the visualization of corneal and limbal OCT images
Yoo et al. [53] CycleGAN Fundus photography Removing artifacts and noise The GAN model removed the artifacts automatically in a fundus photograph without matching paired images
Cheong et al. [16] DeshadowGAN (modified conditional GAN with perceptual loss) Peripapillary retinal OCT (spectral domain) Removing vessel shadow artifacts The GAN model using manually masked artifact images and perceptual loss function removed blood vessel shadow artifacts from OCT images of the optic nerve head
Chen et al. [50] Conditional GAN Peripapillary retinal OCT (spectral domain) Removing speckle noise The GAN model was designed for speckle noise reduction in OCT images and preserved the textural details found in OCT
Das et al. [52] CycleGAN Retinal OCT Super-resolution and removing noise To achieve denoising and super-resolution, adversarial learning with cycle consistency was used without requiring aligned low–high resolution pairs
Ha et al. [56] Enhanced super-resolution GAN (SRGAN) Peripapillary fundus photography (optic disc photo) Super-resolution The GAN approach was capable of 4-times up-scaling and enhancement of anatomical details using contrast, color, and brightness improvement
Yuhao et al. [54] CycleGAN Fundus photography Removing artifacts and noise The developed model dehazed cataractous retinal images through unpaired clear retinal images and cataract images

GAN = generative adversarial network; OCT = optical coherence tomography; PGGAN = progressively growing GAN