Summary of Toxoplasma PDE expression, localization, and function
RNA-Seq transcript expression from T. gondii isolate CZ (type II) in transcripts per million (TPM) with gene-ranked expression percentile for each life-stage: merozoite (MZ, cat EES5 [cat endoepithelial stage 5]); tachyzoite (TZ); bradyzoite (BZ) (52).
hyperLOPIT subcellular localization from T. gondii isolate RH and derivatives using TAGM-MCMC (t- augmented Gaussian mixture models with Markov-chain Monte-Carlo) analysis (65).
IFA of TgPDE1 or TgPDE2 C-tagged with 3Ty in intracellular tachyzoites of T. gondii line RH Δhxgprt Δku80 (44).
IFA of TgPDE1-18 C-tagged with spaghetti monster HA (smHA) in intracellular tachyzoites of T. gondii line RH Δhxgprt Δku80 (53). ND, not detected.
IFA of TgPDE1-18 C-tagged with mAID-3HA in intracellular tachyzoites of T. gondii line RH TIR1-3FLAG (this study). ND, not detected.
Mean phenotype score from a genome-wide CRISPR-KO loss of function screen in T. gondii line RH Cas9. Negative scores indicate a potential fitness defect associated with gene disruption (54).
cKD/KO, conditional knockdown or knockout. Plaque formation, attachment, invasion, egress, motility, microneme (MN) expression, and secretion of T. gondii RH TgPDE-mAID-3HA lines treated ± 0.5 mM IAA (this study). ↓, significantly reduced; =, no significant difference.
Qualitative plaque formation of T. gondii RH Δhxgprt Δku80 Δpde9 vs. progenitor (53). =, no difference.
PDE activity assay (PDE-Glo, Promega) of immunoprecipitated TgPDE1-mAID-3HA and TgPDE2-mAID- 3HA (this study).
PDE activity assay (colorimetric, Abcam) of immunoprecipitated TgPDE8-smHA and TgPDE9-smHA (53).