Mic10 associates with F1Fo-ATP synthase in mitochondria
(A) [35S]Mic10 was imported into WT or atp20Δ mitochondria, followed by solubilization together with untreated mitochondria and BN-PAGE. Arrowhead, ATP synthase dimer.
(B) [35S]Mic10 was imported into WT or Atp5-His mitochondria that were solubilized together with untreated mitochondria. [35S]Mic10 was co-isolated with Atp5-His only after import into Atp5-His mitochondria, analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Load, 2.5%; eluate, 100%. F1Fo-ATP synthase subunits: Atp4 (Su b); Atp5 (Su 5/OSCP); Atp14 (Su h); and Atp21 (Su e).
(C) In organello crosslinking followed by affinity purification and SDS-PAGE shows that Mic10 forms direct crosslinks with Atp21 and Atp19. Load, 2.5%; eluate, 100%.
See also Figure S1.