Figure 5.
Human antibody concentration and antibody neutralizing titer in NHP serum associated with protection against viral challenge in BAL fluid or NP swab samples
(A–D) The time-weighted average (TWA) values for the change of sgRNA viral load in BAL fluid or NP swab samples from day 1 to 10 after viral challenge were compared with antibody concentration in serum or serum NT50 value for each animal from studies 2, 3, and 4, described in Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4. The fitting curves were estimated using the locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOWESS) method and are shown in black, and gray shading indicates the CI. Shapes indicate individual animals, colors indicate route of antibody treatment, and animals from separate studies are shown with different shapes, as detailed in the figure. Horizontal black dotted lines indicate designated TWA thresholds for full (bottom line) and partial (top line) protection. Vertical dotted orange dashed line in the graphs indicates designated estimated optimal cutoff for protective antibody concentration or titer in NHP serum. For calculation of TWA and cutoff values, refer to STAR Methods section.
(E) Percent animals that fully protected, partially protected, or non-protected determined using the estimated thresholds for protection as in (A–D). Gradient of green shading visualize percent of protected animals, in which dark green indicates higher percent of protected animals and light green indicates lower percent of protected animals for each described condition.