a) Key reactions involved in glutamate metabolism in Bacillus subtilis. Amino acids like proline, arginine, and histidine when provided as the sole C/N source are catabolized via glutamate. In contrast, growth on glucose as C source demands glutamate synthesis (via AKG). b) Western blot using anti-GudB antibodies indicating similar expression levels of GudB in B. subtilis cells grown in glucose-ammonia (GA) and Histidine (H) (-DSG). Upon treating with a chemical crosslinker (DSG, 0.5 mM), high molecular weight species that include GudB can be seen in cells grown on glucose-ammonia (GA, highlighted in red frame) but not on histidine (H). Recombinant GudB served as a positive control (+). c) The high molecular weight species of GudB are clearly seen in Western analysis of lysates from cells grown on glucose-ammonia (as in C) yet treated with higher concentration of DSG (1mM/2mM). d) Immunoprecipitation of GudB indicated co-elution of GltA and GltB in glucose-ammonia but not in histidine. The eluates from the pulldown was subjected to SDS-PAGE and stained with silver nitrate. e) SDS-PAGE showing co-elution of GudB and GltA upon purification of Strep-GltB from B. subtilis cells grown in glucose-ammonia (Lane 1; Lane 2 shows purified recombinant Strep tagged-GudB). f) Co-purification of GltA and GltB upon pulldown of His-tagged GudB but RocG. g) GudB but not RocG co-eluted upon pulldown of Strep-GltB from strains expressing either GudB or RocG from the constitutive gudB promoter (Gpt). Images b-g correspond to one replicate and are representative at least three independent experiments.