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. 2022 Jan 20;12:752440. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.752440


Subgroup analysis of main safety outcomes of ertugliflozin vs. control.

Subgroup No. S RR 95% CI I 2 PI
Different dosages
 Any AEs 5 mg 8 0.994 0.950–1.041 0% 0.586
15 mg 8 0.976 0.931–1.023 0%
 AEs related to study drug 5 mg 8 1.148 0.914–1.442 53.6% 0.921
15 mg 8 1.168 0.913–1.495 59.9%
 Serious AEs 5 mg 8 1.219 0.952–1.559 0% 0.489
15 mg 8 1.069 0.812–1.407 8.2%
 Deaths 5 mg 4 1.466 0.407–5.278 29.1% 0.875
15 mg 4 1.240 0.469–3.283 0%
 AEs leading to discontinuation 5 mg 8 1.155 0.836–1.596 0% 0.980
15 mg 8 1.148 0.826–1.597 0%
 Genital mycotic infection 5 mg 8 4.094 2.588–6.476 1.8% 0.882
15 mg 8 4.338 2.480–7.588 26.2%
 Urinary tract infection 5 mg 8 0.845 0.601–1.189 39.5% 0.490
15 mg 8 0.982 0.760–1.269 10.2%
 Symptomatic hypoglycaemia 5 mg 8 0.708 0.336–1.492 83.8% 0.912
15 mg 8 0.750 0.416–1.354 75.1%
 Hypovolaemia 5 mg 8 1.466 0.714–3.010 19.1% 0.934
15 mg 8 1.403 0.739–2.663 1.5%
Different follow-ups
 Any AEs ≤26 weeks 3 0.966 0.854–1.093 0% 0.768
>26 weeks 6 0.985 0.944–1.027 0%
 AEs related to study drug ≤26 weeks 3 1.229 0.869–1.738 0% 0.761
>26 weeks 6 1.149 0.906–1.458 64.3%
 Serious AEs ≤26 weeks 3 1.512 0.283–8.078 65.4% 0.845
>26 weeks 6 1.122 0.895–1.406 0%
 Deaths >26 weeks 5 1.174 0.504–2.739 0%
 AEs leading to discontinuation ≤26 weeks 3 0.732 0.280–1.910 0% 0.314
>26 weeks 6 1.190 0.883–1.602 0%
 Genital mycotic infection ≤26 weeks 3 1.977 0.756–5.165 0% 0.112
>26 weeks 6 4.962 2.826–8.712 23.4%
 Urinary tract infection ≤26 weeks 3 0.820 0.398–1.687 0% 0.810
>26 weeks 6 0.904 0.698–1.171 27.8%
 Symptomatic hypoglycaemia ≤26 weeks 3 3.896 1.058–14.337 0% 0.329
>26 weeks 6 0.580 0.305–1.102 87.2%
 Hypovolaemia ≤26 weeks 2 1.170 0.211–6.474 0% 0.898
>26 weeks 6 1.397 0.560–3.484 51.9%
Different controls
 Any AEs placebo 5 0.966 0.903–1.033 0% 0.533
active 4 0.992 0.944–1.043 0%
 AEs related to study drug placebo 5 1.251 0.984–1.591 0% 0.571
active 4 1.115 0.812–1.531 76.6%
 Serious AEs placebo 5 1.159 0.682–1.971 30.8% 0.930
active 4 1.127 0.853–1.489 0%
 Deaths active 4 1.192 0.400–3.559 0%
 AEs leading to discontinuation placebo 5 0.995 0.594–1.667 0% 0.549
active 4 1.205 0.850–1.707 2.8%
 Genital mycotic infection placebo 5 2.725 1.287–5.768 0% 0.272
active 4 5.142 2.640–10.016 35.6%
 Urinary tract infection placebo 5 0.710 0.490–1.030 0% 0.156
active 4 1.004 0.745–1.353 27.9%
 Symptomatic hypoglycaemia placebo 5 1.152 0.668–1.988 19.9% 0.075
active 4 0.464 0.224–0.963 82.7%
 Hypovolaemia placebo 4 1.237 0.299–5.119 33.4% 0.917
active 4 1.392 0.519–3.737 53.8%

No. S, numbers of studies; RR, risk ratio; PI, P for interaction; AEs, adverse events.