Figure 7.
Growth rate per hour of S. aureus and E. coli in untreated DHM samples and after HTST, FH, T99, HoP_r, T74 and HoP. The analyses were performed in duplicate for each sample and all values are presented as mean ± standard deviation of two independent experiments. *Expresses statistically significant differences to untreated samples (p < 0.05). UN, HTST, FH, T99, T74, HoP and HoP_r stand for untreated DHM, and DHM treated with high-temperature short-time, flash heating, high-temperature short-time with a thermomixer preheated at 99°C, high-temperature short-time with a thermomixer preheated at 74°C, holder pasteurization and holder pasteurization with rapid heating up-times, respectively.