Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability Test19
Place 2 strips of tape parallel to each other 36 inches apart on the floor. However, when completing this test with female athletes, a 36-inch-wide may not be reasonable given the size of the female athlete. Narrowing this distance to fit one's body composition is suggested.
Starting position is one hand on each piece of tape in a pushup position or a modified pushup position with knees and toes on the floor.
The athlete will then rapidly touch the opposite hand or touch tape under the opposite hand.
After touching, the hand is returned to its original starting position. The athlete then performs the same movement with the opposite hand.
The total time for the trial is 15 s. Record total number of touches completed in 15 s.
The athlete performs a warmup trial and then 3 test trials with a rest period of 45 s between trials. An average of 3 trials is used for test score.
Female athletes are scored based on a modified pushup position
Measures speed, agility, and/or power but requires upper-quarter stability to perform without symptoms. |
Upper Quarter Y Balance Test22
Tape (athletic or another easily visible tape)
Tape measure
Blocks (foam, wooden, or other lightweight blocks that are easy to slide on the given surface)
At least 1-m long, 3 cloth measuring tapes are placed on the ground at the same starting position, forming one 90° angle and two 135°angles. The tape should be marked to indicate centimeters.
A lightweight block is placed along with each piece of tape near the origin of the tape.
Starting position is in the pushup position, feet shoulder-width apart, with the athlete positioned so that the tape is lined up medially, superolateral, and inferolateral relative to the athlete's supporting upper extremity.
The athlete pushes the blocks along the tape (medially, superolateral, and inferolateral) with their fingertips, without the reaching arm touching the ground until after reaching in all 3 directions
If the athlete touches the ground before reaching all 3 directions, measurements are discarded, and the trial is repeated until 3 successful trials are obtained.
The average from the 3 trials for each direction is calculated
A composite score for the total excursion is calculated by taking the sum of the 3 averages and dividing it by the athlete's upper limb length (ULL) multiplied by 3. This is then multiplied by 100 for the composite score.
ULL is measured from the C7 vertebra to the athlete's fingertips, shoulder at 90° of abduction.
Assessment of upper extremity mobility, stability, and proprioception. |
Seated Medicine Ball Throw Test25
The athlete sits back against a wall, next to a doorway, to allow the test arm to move freely without touching the wall. Legs are bent with feet flat on the floor.
Place 2 parallel strips of tape 36" apart on the floor before the athlete forms a track to guide the throws.
The athlete holds a 6-lb medicine ball at shoulder height on the test side.
The athlete is instructed to push (rather than throw) the ball as far forward as possible while:
Keeping head, back, and contralateral shoulder blade in contact with the wall.
Keeping contralateral arm relaxed in the lap
Encourage to facilitate the maximal effort.
The athlete performs 2 practice trials: one at 75% of maximal effort and one at 100% maximal effort. 20-30 seconds of rest between each trial.
Perform 3 maximal effort trials.
Measures unilateral upper extremity power. |
Functional Throwing Performance Index27
The athlete stands 15' from the target
1’ × 1’ target is placed 4’ above floor
21” circumference ball
Using a 21" circumference ball, the athlete performs 8 warmup throws starting at 25% submaximal effort working up to 100% maximal effort.
The athlete then has 30 seconds to throw the ball at the target as many times as possible.
Measures the accuracy of overhand throwing athletes. |
The One Arm Hop Test30
4” step |
The athlete assumes a one-arm pushup position: weight-bearing hand perpendicular to the floor, back flat, feet shoulder-width apart.
Instruct the athlete to hop on and off a 4" step literally
The athlete hops 5 times as quickly as possible
Measures strength, power, and stability in contact athletes. Need to be careful in athletes with posterior shoulder instability. |
The Pushup Test31
None |
Athlete performs as many pushups as quickly as possible for 15 s.
A warmup 15-ssubmaximal trial is performed before completing 3 maximal trials with 45 s of rest in between each trial.
Male athletes perform this test in the standard pushup position.
Female athletes perform this test in the modified position with both knees contacting the floor with feet off the ground
Assesses overall upper-extremity strength. |
The Modified Pull-Up Test31
Using a secure adjustable height bar for gripping and pulling and a bench used to support the subject’s feet or lower extremities. |
Athletes are supine with heels on the bench while using an overhand grip on the bar.
Male athletes perform this test with heels supported on the bench.
Female athletes perform this test with their lower legs, just below the knees, supported on the bench
The athlete should begin this test hanging from the bar with arms fully extended. Similar to the pushup test, trials are 15 seconds long with a submaximal warmup trial followed by 3 maximal trials with 45 seconds of rest in-between each trial.
The average of 3 trials is their score.
It has been reported that the ratio of pushup to modified pull-up is 1.57:1 in males and 2.72:1 in females. This implies it is much easier for both sexes to do more pushups than pull-ups in a given time frame.
Assesses overall upper-extremity strength. |