Positioning of the mandible, pectoral girdle, atrium, and ventricle in the cichlid head. a, Schematic demonstrating the full compliment of muscles and bones in the head. b, Schematic of the cichlid head with the suspensorium removed to clearly reveal the heart, mandible, and pectoral girdle. c, μCT scan of the head region including models of the heart reconstructed from contrast enhanced images. MAN, mandible (dark green); PGL, pectoral girdle (dark blue); HRT, heart, Atr, atrium (orange); Ven, ventricle (red); Den, dentary; Art, articular; P-T, post-temporal; SC, supra-cleitrum; Cle, cleithrum; Sca, scapula; Cor, coronoid; Rad, radials; FRs, fin rays.