Table 1.
Randomized clinical trials that investigated colchicine in patients with COVID-19
Authors | Design | Study population | Colchicine dose | Main findings |
Hospitalized patients | ||||
Deftereos et al. GRECCO-19 Randomized Clinical Trial [23] | Prospective, open-label, RCT |
50 hospitalized patients in the SOC group 55 hospitalized patients in the SOC + colchicine group |
Loading dose: 1.5 mg followed by 0.5 mg of colchicine after 1 h (loading dose 1 mg in case of azithromycin co-administration) Maintenance: dosage: 0.5 mg twice daily (once daily if body weight < 60 kg) until hospital discharge or a maximum of 21 days |
The primary clinical endpoint (time from baseline to clinical deterioration based on WHO ordinal clinical scale) occurred more frequently in the SOC vs. colchicine group (14% vs. 1.8%; OR 0.11, 95% CI 0.01–0.96. p = 0.046) Event-free 10-day survival was 83% vs. 97% in the control vs. interventional group (p = 0.03) Similar AEs were observed in the 2 groups, except for diarrhea that was more frequent in the colchicine arm (45.5% vs. 18.0%, p = 0.003) |
Lopes et al. [26] | Double-blind, placebo-controlled RCT |
37 hospitalized patients in the placebo group 37 hospitalized patients in the colchicine group |
0.5 mg three times daily for 5 days, then 0.5 mg twice daily for 5 days If weight ≥ 80 kg, first dose was 1.0 mg If eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2, 0.25 mg three times daily for 5 days, then 0.25 mg twice daily for 5 days |
Patients treated with colchicine stopped using supplemental oxygen before those in the placebo group (median 4 vs. 6.5 days, p < 0.001) and had a reduced length of hospital stay (median 7 vs. 9 days, p = 0.003) Across 1 week, patients treated with colchicine experienced a marked reduction in CRP levels compared with those in the placebo group (p < 0.001) Common AEs like diarrhea and pneumonia were more frequent in the colchicine and placebo groups, respectively |
RECOVERY Collaborative Group RECOVERY Trial [31] | Investigator-initiated, open-label RCT |
5730 hospitalized patients in the SOC group (dexamethasone, HCQ, lopinavir/ritonavir, azithromycin, tocilizumab, and convalescent plasma) 5610 hospitalized patients in the colchicine group |
1 mg after randomization, then 0.5 mg 12 h later, followed by 0.5 mg twice daily for 10 days or until discharge, whichever came first, or 0.5 mg once daily for patients receiving a moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor or with eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 or estimated body weight < 70 kg |
No difference in the proportion of patients meeting the primary outcome (all-cause mortality) was found (1173 patients in the colchicine group vs. 1190 patients in the SOC group; RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.93–1.10, p = 0.77) No secondary outcome (time to discharge, need for MV, or death) was met Two AEs probably related to colchicine were recorded (AKI and rhabdomyolysis) |
Mareev et al. COLORIT study [86] | Prospective, comparative, quasi-randomized trial |
22 hospitalized patients in the control group (no anti-inflammatory therapy) 21 hospitalized patients in the colchicine group |
1 mg daily up to day 3, then 0.5 mg daily up to 14 days | The primary endpoint (SHOCS-COVID score reduction after treatment) was met by the colchicine group (8 vs. 2, p = 0.017), but not by control group |
Pascual-Figal et al. [87] | Prospective, randomized, controlled, open-label RCT |
51 hospitalized patients without MV receiving standard treatment 52 patients without MV receiving colchicine on top of standard treatment |
Loading dose of 1.5 mg (1 mg followed by 0.5 mg 2 h later), then 0.5 mg twice daily for the next 7 days, and then 0.5 mg once daily until day 28 |
Colchicine was associated with a lower risk of clinical deterioration (OR 0.11, p = 0.03) At day 28, all patients treated with colchicine were discharged alive, while 2 patients died in the standard treatment arm and one was still hospitalized |
Outpatients | ||||
Tardif et al. ColCORONA Trial [30] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, investigator-initiated RCT |
2253 non-hospitalized patients in the placebo group 2235 non-hospitalized patients in the colchicine group |
Colchicine: 0.5 mg twice daily for the first 3 days, then once daily for 27 days |
No difference in the occurrence of the primary endpoint (a composite of death or hospitalization within 30 days from randomization) was observed between groups Among those with a PCR-confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, the primary endpoint occurred less frequently in colchicine-treated patients vs. placebo (OR 0.75, 95% CI 0.57–0.99, p = 0.04). The risk for hospitalization was decreased (OR 0.75, 95% CI 0.57–0.99), but no effect on death was seen Serious AEs were 4.9% in the colchicine group and 6.3% in the placebo, with pneumonia occurring less frequent and diarrhea more frequent in the colchicine arm |
Where available, SOC therapy was included
AE adverse event. AKI acute kidney injury. CI confidence interval. COVID-19 coronavirus disease 2019. CRP C-reactive protein. CYP3A4 cytochrome P450 3A4. eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate. MV mechanical ventilation. OR odds ratio. PCR polymerase chain reaction. RCT randomized clinical trial. RR rate ratio. SHOCS-COVID Symptomatic Hospital and Outpatient Clinical Scale for COVID-19. SOC standard-of-care. WHO World Health Organization