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[Preprint]. 2022 Jan 28:2022.01.26.22269927. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2022.01.26.22269927

Table 3.

Clinical and metadata of the Omicron and Delta infected patients. Statistics for ages were calculated by t test and all other statistics were calculated by Chi-squared test.

Omicron Delta
Total 1121 910 P
Collection range 11/25/2021 to 12/31/21 % 11/22/21 to 12/31/21 %
Fully Vaccinated (No booster) 461 41.1 282 31.0 < 0.00001
Booster 134 12.0 83 9.1 0.04
Partially vaccinated 38 3.4 27 3.0
Symptomatic 1037 92.5 837 92.0 0.7
Asymptomatic 84 7.5 72 7.9
Age, median (stdev) 32 (18.5) 35 (23.4) 0.001
Hypertension 242 21.6 283 31.1 < 0.00001
Pregnancy 84 7.5 53 5.8 0.2
Lung Disease 225 20.1 206 22.6 0.2
Kidney Disease 69 6.2 126 13.8 < 0.00001
Immunosuppression 121 10.8 156 17.1 0
Diabetes 106 9.5 138 15.2 0.0001
Heart Failure 29 2.6 62 6.8 < 0.00001
Atrial Fibrilation 17 1.5 46 5.1 < 0.00001
Smoker 115 10.3 142 15.6 0.0004
Cerebrovascular Disease 46 4.1 69 7.6 0.001
Cancer 251 22.4 208 22.9 0.8
Coronary Artery Disease 85 7.6 151 16.6 < 0.00001
COVID Related Admission 34 3.0 126 13.8 < 0.00001
ICU Level Care 6 0.5 32 3.5 < 0.00001
Died 1 0.1 10 1.1 0.004