Fig. 2.
Mutation spectrum of diffuse hemispheric glioma H3 G34-mutant tumors. A The total somatic mutations of 15 diffuse hemispheric glioma H3 G34-mutant specimens. Red represents C > T/G > A mutations, blue represents C > G/G > C mutations, green represents T > C/A > G mutations, purple represents C > A/G > T mutations, orange represents T > G/A > C mutations, and yellow represents T > A/ A > T mutations. The percentages indicate the proportion of samples with the mutations. B The pathways most commonly affected by genetic mutations in diffuse hemispheric glioma H3 G34-mutant tumors included RTK-RAS, NOTCH, WNT, Hippo, PI3K, TP53, MYC and Cell_Cycle pathways. Left: histogram shows the number of mutations in each pathway. Right: histogram represent the fraction of samples affected. C Recurrent copy number alterations. GISTIC2.0 plot of recurrent focal losses (a) and gains (b). Chromosomes are represented along the vertical axis; q values are marked along the horizontal axis. The green lines mark the cut-off for the significance threshold (q = 0.25). D Schematics showing the locations of the missense mutations and truncating mutations on the PDGFRA (left), MUC16 (middle) and MUC17 (right) genes