Fig. 3.
Phylogenies for H. influenzae and Y. pestis. A Maximum likelihood phylogeny of 492 modern and one ancient H. influenzae genomes. The tree is midpoint-rooted, and node support is based on 1000 bootstrap replicates in IQTREE-2. The main nodes with bootstrap values of 100 are marked with stars. The outer rings and roman numerals outline the two phylogenetic divisions. An arrow shows the position of our ancient genome, and the “x” denotes the presence of non-typable strains in serotype-specific clades. B Midpoint-rooted maximum likelihood phylogeny of 258 modern and one ancient H. influenzae phylogenetic division II genomes. Clades for serotypes e and f are collapsed. Genomes labeled with a cross are known recombinants [3]. Node support is based on 1000 bootstrap replicates in IQTREE-2. C Schematic tree of genomes of the first plague pandemic based on Keller et al. [14], showing two possible phylogenetic positions for YP-EDI064 (either identical with EDI001 or being directly derived from EDI001)