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. 2022 Feb 3;11(2):e01048-21. doi: 10.1128/mra.01048-21


Sequencing and assembly statistics for Pseudomonas sp. strain MM211

Parametera Finding
Raw read sequencing
 No. of reads 168,644
 N50 (bp) 13,834
 Total length (bp) 1,579,810,087
 Coverage (×) 286
 GC content (%) 61.5
 Length (bp) 5,281,862
 Total no. of genes 4,853
 No. of coding genes 4,645
BUSCO results (%)
 Complete 98.8
 Single copy 98.3
 Duplicated 0.5
 Fragmented 0.4
 Missing 0.8

Coverage was based on mapping of the trimmed reads to the assembly with SAMtools (v1.12) (25). Annotation was based on NCBI PGAP (v5.3) annotation of GCA_020386635.1 on 15 November 2021 (26). BUSCO values represent complete, single copy, duplicated, fragmented, and missing single-copy orthologue genes.