Fig. 2.
Valence opponency in oviposition and courtship. (A) Optogenetic oviposition preference assay. (B–D) Violin plots showing oviposition preference indices (OI) to the illuminated side when CsChrimson was expressed in the indicated ORN types. Sample traces of single-sensillum recordings were shown to demonstrate optogenetic activation of target ORNs. Circle: OI for each trial; horizontal line: median preference. Negative controls were age-matched siblings without retinal feeding (gray). n = 20 trials, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, unpaired Student’s t test. (E) (Top) at4 ORNs and their spikes. (Bottom Left) Courtship competition assay. (Bottom Right) Single-sensillum recording of at4A responses to heat generated by an IR laser. (F–H) Normalized cumulative copulation rates of males whose at4A (F), at4B (G), or at4C (H) was thermogenetically activated, when competing with the respective parental controls (black and gray). Cumulative copulation rates were normalized to the total copulation rate of all tested males in the same experiments. (Right) Each circle denotes the end copulation rate of a given experiment with lines connecting data from the same experiments (n = 4 to 6 experiments, total 68 to 94 matches). (I–K) As in E–H, except that TrpA1 was expressed in ac4A (J) or its small-spike Ir76a+ neighbor (K) (n = 5 experiments; total 83 to 85 matches). P values are indicated; one-sample z-test.