Figure 1.
Design of human B cell-focused flow cytometry panel. (A) Sequential gating strategy for identification of B cells and downstream analysis. After lymphocyte gating according to FSC and SSC parameters, CD19-positive lymphocytes were selected and further resolved into distinct subpopulations via the analysis of CD20, CD24, CD27, CD38 or IgD expression. (B) Calculation of absolute numbers. Lymphocytes were gated according to CD45/side scatter dot plots. Then, total B cells were defined as CD3–CD19+ lymphocytes. (C) t-SNE analysis objectively delineates B cell subsets in peripheral blood of healthy individuals. tSNE-based dimension reduction was performed on B cells revealing distinct, shared and diverse lymphocyte phenotypes. Unswitched memory B cells: CD19 + IgD + CD27+ B cells; switched memory B cells: CD19 + IgD–CD27+ B cells; DN B cells: double negative B cells; B10 cells: CD19 + CD24hiCD27+ B cells.