A) Example plots visualizing the individual localizations obtained for Homer1c (magenta) and CLCa (orange). Two or more individual CLCa structures can be observed per PSD. Scale bar: 500 nm. (
B–D) Data visualized in these plots is the same data represented in
Figure 3, but here a distinction was made between PSDs containing one (blue) or two (green) CLCa structures is made. (
B) Histogram of the distance from the border of the PSD to the border of CLCa structures. (
C) Scatterplot showing the dimensions of larger (blue) CLCa structures, most likely representing the EZ, and smaller CLCa structures (green) (big structures: n = 92, small structures: n = 13). (
D) Histogram showing circularity ratio of CLCa structures. (
E) Comparison of the average area of CLCa puncta labelled with different strategies (GFP-CLCa labeled with monoclonal GFP and CF568, Halo-CLCa labeled with halo-JF646), plotted as mean ± SEM (GFP-CF568: n = 103, Halo-JF646: n = 50).