Fig. 4.
HNN simulation of the AEF recorded in response to contralateral tone presentation over the right hemisphere (right panels) and over the left hemisphere (left panels): a, d Input sequence: Input spikes are sampled from a Gaussian distribution (mean and sd are defined by input time and sd, see Table 1) on each trial. The resulting temporal profile of the spiking activity arriving into the network is displayed in red (proximal) and green (distal) histograms. A proximal input drives the network, before a distal input and a second proximal input arrive (see Fig. 1c, d for proximal/distal inputs). Corresponding input parameter values are displayed in Table 1. b, e Dipole Simulation: mean AEF model (dark blue) as well as 10 individual trial simulations (gray). The empirical AEF (here: contralateral AEF) is displayed in light blue (cf. Fig. 2). Insert at the bottom right shows the dipoles of layer II/III and layer V separately. Left inset in b shows model fit of manually fitted model (with no automatic optimization applied). All dipoles were smoothed using the default settings in HNN (30 ms Hamming window; see Table S2). An unsmoothed equivalent to panel e is displayed in Fig. S2. c, f Simulated spiking activity: spiking associated with the dipole displayed in (b) (one example trial selected) (Color figure online)