• Retinomax Autorefraction or crowded Lea Symbols Visual Acuity at 5 feet along with their associated VIP referral criteria10,11 can be used by trained screeners (nurse, lay, or eyecare provider) to effectively identify preschool children with vision disorders (amblyopia, strabismus, significant refractive error, and/or unexplained visual acuity). |
• Eyecare providers can also use noncycloplegic retinoscopy for vision screening.10
• Autorefractors were more accurate and performed significantly better than photoscreeners for identifying children with vision disorders.10
• Children should be referred for a comprehensive vision examination if they meet the associated VIP referral criteria in 1 or both eyes10,11, or if they are unable to complete a VIP screening test (Retinomax, stereoacuity, or visual acuity).17
• Meaningful deficits in early literacy and attention were observed in uncorrected, moderately hyperopic children as compared to emmetropic children. The greatest deficits were observed in hyperopic children with deficits in near visual function.37,38
• Increasing magnitude of hyperopia was associated with worsening near visual function (near visual acuity, near stereoacuity, accommodative accuracy). 39