Fig. 4. Pre-treatment with 5 mg/kg unmodified but not FcγR/complement-enhanced 10E8v4 decreases post-acute plasma and tissue virus in macaques.
a Longitudinal or b TOC plasma bNAb concentrations following 5 mg/kg 10E8v4 subcutaneously delivered 3 days prior to challenge (day –3). The average half-life (t1/2) ± se calculated from the n = 6 animals in each group is shown in the right panel of Supplementary Fig. 2a, c Plasma neutralization titers against SHIVSF162P3 pseudovirus at TOC. d Individual and e average ± se longitudinal plasma viremia of macaques in each bNAb treatment group. f Average peak viremia, g longitudinal PBMC CAVL ± se, and h day 14 inguinal lymph node CAVL. i Average post-acute PVL defined as days 28–63 post challenge. j Average tissue viral load at necropsy (day 63) from all tissues, k lymphoid tissues (lymph nodes and spleen), or l gut tissues. m Individual tissue viral load at necropsy. n Summary of fold-difference in viral load from the control group, with statistically significant comparisons (p < 0.05) in bold. Boxes in box and whisker plots extend from 25 to 75 percentiles with a line at median and whiskers extending to min–max values. Statistical comparisons were performed using a one-way ANOVA (b, c) followed by Tukey’s post-hoc comparison between groups and Dunnett’s post-hoc test for comparison to control group (f, h), two-way ANOVA (i, j, k, l), and two-way repeated-measures ANOVA (m) followed by Tukey’s post-hoc comparison between groups. Viral loads are presented (d, e) and analyzed using log10 transformed data. All <0.05 adjusted p values are shown as well as non-significant p values between comparisons mentioned in the text. NS designates no significant difference from any group. Data and analysis are derived from n = 6 animals per group with symbols denoting individual macaques as indicated in (d) and also used in (m). Group colors are consistent throughout the manuscript. Statistical significance was determined at the significant alpha level of 0.05 and performed in GraphPad Prism 9. Data shown in panels a, b, c, e–m are representative of at least two independent experiments. Source data are provided in the Source Data file associated with this manuscript. TOC time of challenge, PVL plasma viral load, PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cell, CAVL cell-associated viral load.