Fig. 2. Examples of rhythms in CR1 and CR2.
Data collected during CR1 (black filled circles) and CR2 (grey open circles) for (A, E) albumin, (B, F) total cholesterol, (C, G) triglycerides, and (D, H) HDL-C. The x-axis is the time each blood sample was taken and the y-axis is the clinical assay concentration. The solid black line is the fitted cosinor regression for CR1 and the grey solid line is the fitted cosinor regression for CR2. The phase shift (Δϕ) and participant ID for each example is noted in the bottom right corner of the plots. The exposure day schedule is represented in the bar above the plots; grey bars indicate wake episodes in ambient light <3 lux, hatched bars indicate the 6.5-h light exposure (LE), and the open circles indicate the timing of meals and snacks.