Iron |
Fe |
Formation of RBCs and hemoglobin |
Calcium |
Ca |
Blood purification; maintains bone strength |
Copper |
Cu |
Prevent deposition of fats |
Phosphate |
P |
Prevent formation of stones in the urinary tract |
Manganese |
Mn |
Germicidal effects; prevent gangrene |
Potassium |
K |
Increase appetite; reduce muscle weakness; cures hereditary rheumatism. |
Sulphur |
S |
Blood cleanser; improve bowel movement |
Nitrogen |
N2, NH2
Regulates kidney function; prevent abnormalities in the blood; diuresis |
Sodium |
Na |
Blood purification; antacid |
Ammonia |
Enhance blood formation; maintains bile and mucus |
Carbolic acid |
Germicidal effects; prevent gangrene |
Aurum Hydroxide |
AuOH |
Improves immunity system; antibiotic; anti-toxic |
Creatinine |
Germicidal action |
Hipuric acid |
Helps in the excretion of toxins in urine |
Lactose |
Reduce nervousness; strengthen the heart |
Urea |
Increase urine formation; germicidal effect |
Uric Acid |
Diuretic effect; help to maintain good heart health |
Water |
H2O |
Maintains fluidity of blood and body temperature |