Figure 5.
Regulation of H3K27ac-marked active enhancers in gene expression during spermatogonial differentiation.A, definition and numbers of REs and hierarchically organized SEs in two spermatogonial populations. B, the numbers of different categories of enhancers within PEIs. C, the numbers of different categories of enhancers that interact with active or inactive promotors. D, the numbers of PEI genes regulated by different categories of enhancers. E, left, the numbers of PEI genes with active or inactive promoters. Right, the numbers of PEI genes regulated by various enhancers and promoters. F, average expression levels and RP indices (indicated by bars and lines, respectively) of genes regulated by different categories of enhancers. G, the numbers of genes (with remarkable RP index changes) regulated by different categories of enhancers. H and I, gene ontology-biological process analysis of RE (H) and SE (I)-regulated genes with differential RP indices and expression levels during spermatogonial differentiation. J and K, the upper panel, the contact matrix showing stripes at the DMC1 (J) and FGF9 (K) SE loci. The middle panel, models for PEI regulation of DMC1 (J) and FGF9 (K), as well as RNA-seq coverage at their genomic loci. The lower panel, views of the observed/expected chromatin interaction frequencies, RefSeq, TAD, and A/B index at chromosome 5: 8,930,000 to 9,930,000 (J) and chromosome 11: 1,050,000 to 2,050,000 (K). PEIs, promoter-enhancer interactions; REs, regular enhancers; RP, regulatory potential; SEs, super enhancers; TAD, topologically associating domain.