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. 2022 Feb 3;5(2):e2147046. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.47046

Table 1. Maternal Baseline Characteristics by Anemia Status During Pregnancya.

Characteristic Patients, No. (%)
No anemia (n = 15 578 790) Anemia Total (N = 18 948 443)
Mild (n = 1 713 722) Moderate (n = 497 363) Severe (n = 40 458) Unknown severity (n = 1 118 110) All (n = 3 369 653)
Eastern China 7 810 807 (50.14) 1 084 724 (63.30) 256 672 (51.61) 16 717 (41.32) 500 471 (44.76) 1 858 584 (55.16) 9 669 391 (51.03)
Central China 3 786 454 (24.31) 242 273 (14.14) 104 682 (21.05) 4927 (12.18) 221 113 (19.78) 572 995 (17.00) 4 359 449 (23.01)
Western China 3 981 529 (25.56) 386 725 (22.57) 136 009 (27.35) 18 814 (46.50) 396 526 (35.46) 938 074 (27.84) 4 919 603 (25.96)
2016 4 132 573 (26.53) 400 214 (23.35) 56 021 (11.26) 13 594 (33.60) 249 316 (22.30) 719 145 (21.34) 4 851 718 (25.60)
2017 4 098 427 (26.31) 452 813 (26.42) 77 360 (15.55) 9488 (23.45) 280 092 (25.05) 819 753 (24.33) 4 918 180 (25.96)
2018 3 775 312 (24.23) 452 237 (26.39) 100 164 (20.14) 6707 (16.58) 283 773 (25.38) 842 881 (25.01) 4 618 193 (24.37)
2019 3 572 478 (22.93) 408 458 (23.83) 263 818 (53.04) 10 669 (26.37) 304 929 (27.27) 987 874 (29.32) 4 560 352 (24.07)
Age, mean (SD), y 29.42 (4.89) 29.46 (5.13) 29.51 (5.35) 29.46 (6.11) 29.43 (5.19) 29.46 (5.19) 29.42 (4.87)
Han 14 340 366 (92.05) 1 566 686 (91.42) 449 605 (90.40) 27 477 (67.91) 1 002 603 (89.67) 3 046 371 (90.41) 17 386 737 (91.76)
Otherb 1 083 293 (6.95) 136 694 (7.98) 43 485 (8.74) 12 848 (31.76) 99 462 (8.90) 292 489 (8.68) 1 375 782 (7.26)
Unknown 155 131 (1.00) 10 342 (0.60) 4273 (0.86) 133 (0.33) 16 045 (1.44) 30 793 (0.91) 185 924 (0.98)
Marital status
Married 14 586 004 (93.63) 1 621 127 (94.60) 464 826 (93.46) 30 469 (75.31) 1 061 613 (94.95) 3 178 035 (94.31) 17 764 039 (93.75)
Unmarried 483 754 (3.11) 58 611 (3.42) 19 689 (3.96) 1652 (4.08) 31 931 (2.86) 111 883 (3.32) 595 637 (3.14)
Widowed or divorced 95 807 (0.61) 6802 (0.40) 1879 (0.38) 135 (0.33) 2782 (0.25) 11 598 (0.34) 107 405 (0.57)
Unknown 413 225 (2.65) 27 182 (1.59) 10 969 (2.21) 8202 (20.27) 21 784 (1.95) 68 137 (2.02) 481 362 (2.54)
Medical insurance
Yes 10 829 503 (69.51) 1 116 359 (65.14) 311 216 (62.57) 19 235 (47.54) 778 018 (69.58) 2 224 828 (66.03) 13 054 331 (68.89)
No 4 743 215 (30.45) 597 115 (34.84) 186 128 (37.42) 21 221 (52.45) 339 960 (30.40) 1 144 424 (33.96) 5 887 639 (31.07)
Unknown 6072 (0.04) 248 (0.01) 19 (0.00) 2 (0.00) 132 (0.01) 401 (0.01) 6473 (0.03)
Maternal complications during pregnancy
In vitro fertilization 295 701 (1.90) 36 613 (2.14) 16 825 (3.38) 993 (2.45) 22 525 (2.01) 76 956 (2.28) 372 657 (1.97)
Multiple pregnancies 486 602 (3.12) 82 407 (4.81) 34 762 (6.99) 2552 (6.31) 49 169 (4.40) 168 890 (5.01) 655 492 (3.46)
Hypertension disorders 889 798 (5.71) 94 068 (5.49) 34 648 (6.97) 5010 (12.38) 72 220 (6.46) 205 946 (6.11) 1 095 744 (5.78)
Diabetes 2 020 919 (12.97) 220 997 (12.90) 64 098 (12.89) 5372 (13.28) 148 103 (13.25) 438 570 (13.02) 2 459 489 (12.98)
Thyroid diseases 678 072 (4.35) 98 343 (5.74) 28 076 (5.64) 2004 (4.95) 68 203 (6.10) 196 626 (5.84) 874 698 (4.62)
Circulatory diseases 171 453 (1.10) 26 897 (1.57) 11 007 (2.21) 1172 (2.90) 17 160 (1.53) 56 236 (1.67) 227 689 (1.20)
Urinary diseases 79 868 (0.51) 18 734 (1.09) 6911 (1.39) 628 (1.55) 8136 (0.73) 34 409 (1.02) 114 277 (0.60)
Respiratory diseases 152 073 (0.98) 29 136 (1.70) 10 651 (2.14) 1381 (3.41) 17 463 (1.56) 58 631 (1.74) 210 704 (1.11)
Digestive diseases 340 055 (2.18) 56 105 (3.27) 21 528 (4.33) 1975 (4.88) 42 420 (3.79) 122 028 (3.62) 462 083 (2.44)
Coagulation disorders 30 547 (0.20) 26 225 (1.53) 19 118 (3.84) 1493 (3.69) 154 849 (13.85) 201 685 (5.99) 232 232 (1.23)
Scarred uterus 3 281 344 (21.06) 445 916 (26.02) 136 249 (27.39) 9524 (23.54) 280 909 (25.12) 872 598 (25.90) 4 153 942 (21.92)
Placenta previa 280 134 (1.80) 45 473 (2.65) 22 864 (4.60) 2370 (5.86) 32 902 (2.94) 103 609 (3.07) 383 743 (2.03)
Placenta accreta spectrum 326 700 (2.10) 43 897 (2.56) 22 257 (4.48) 2112 (5.22) 37 158 (3.32) 105 424 (3.13) 432 124 (2.28)
Antepartum hemorrhage 12 653 (0.08) 1769 (0.10) 752 (0.15) 186 (0.46) 1558 (0.14) 4265 (0.13) 16 918 (0.09)
Intrauterine infection 152 691 (0.98) 41 829 (2.44) 13 903 (2.80) 1722 (4.26) 11 878 (1.06) 69 332 (2.06) 222 023 (1.17)
Abnormal amniotic fluid 963 679 (6.19) 141 080 (8.23) 37 773 (7.59) 2156 (5.33) 57 201 (5.12) 238 210 (7.07) 1 201 889 (6.34)
Cervical incompetence 438 392 (2.81) 17 608 (1.03) 4609 (0.93) 292 (0.72) 18 195 (1.63) 40 704 (1.21) 479 096 (2.53)
Abnormal placenta 328 430 (2.11) 49 367 (2.88) 17 559 (3.53) 1124 (2.78) 27 091 (2.42) 95 141 (2.82) 423 571 (2.24)

SI conversion factor: To convert hemoglobin concentration to grams per deciliter, divide by 10.0.


No anemia was defined as a hemoglobin concentration of 110 g/L or greater; mild anemia, 100 to 109 g/L; moderate anemia, 70 to 99 g/L; severe anemia, less than 70 g/L.


Because there are more than 50 ethnic groups in China, other groups are not listed individually.