Duration of sustained low-efficiency dialysis (SLED) sessions in patients with pre-COVID-19 control AKI requiring dialysis (AKI-RRT) (n=51) and patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and AKI-RRT (CoV-AKI-RRT) (n=52). (A) Distribution of duration of individual SLED sessions according to anticoagulation (AC) protocol. For pre-COVID-19 control AKI: no AC, regional citrate (CITR), and prefilter heparin (preH)/systemic high-intensity heparin (sHH). For CoV-AKI-RRT, no AC, CITR, preH, minimally intensive heparin (miniIH), systemic low-intensity heparin (sLH), sHH, and sHH + CITR. (B) Distribution of mode of AC [none, CITR, or heparin-based (H-based)] in AKI-RRT before versus during COVID-19. (C) Proportion of patients with shortened SLED runs (<6 hours). (D) Distribution of duration of individual SLED sessions grouped in four categories: data for pre-COVID-19 control AKI-RRT combine sessions with either no AC, with CITR, or with either preH or sHH. Data for CoV-AKI-RRT are presented grouped per intensity of AC: no AC or CITR; preH or minIH; and sLH, sHH, or sHH + CITR; * P<0.001 (ANOVA). (E) Proportion of patients per category with shortened SLED sessions (<6 hours); * P<0.001 (chi square).