Fig. 3.
Beta burst probability tracks changes in beta amplitude. A) Bursts extracted from the C3 cluster of adult subjects during the baseline and grasp execution epochs of all trials. A raster plot of bursts in each trial (top panel; dashed red lines denote the trials from each subject) shows that bursts occurred more frequently during the baseline epoch. The burst rate (light green) closely tracked changes in beta amplitude (dark green). Solid lines show the mean across participants and shaded regions indicate the standard error. B) Beta amplitude and burst rate also decreased in the C4 cluster of adult subjects during grasp execution. Time zero in the grasp execution epoch represents the first contact of the hand with the object. Burst rate in the C3 (C) and C4 (D) clusters of infants also closely tracked changes in beta amplitude, but neither were modulated by grasp execution. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)