Figure 5.
The effects of antiepileptic drugs on resting-state EEG oscillations. Grand-averaged power spectrums calculated on the average of all channels are reported before (pre, blue) and after (post, red) the intake of Lamotrigine (a), Levetiracetam (b) and XEN1101 (c). For each drug condition, significant differences are indicated with the respective topographical distribution of t-values where significant channels are indicated with asterisks. Lamotrigine (a) decreases theta power (p = 0.03); Levetiracetam (b) increases theta (p = 0.03), beta (p < 0.001) and gamma (p = 0.001) power; XEN1101 increases delta (p < 0.001), theta (p = 0.01), beta (p = 0.005) and gamma (p = 0.02) power. The significant modulation of beta and gamma power are shown for each drug in a zoomed power spectrum (panels on the right; averaged over significant channels for Levetiracetam and XEN1101, respectively).