Table 1.
Summary Statistics for Dependent and Independent (SDoH) Variables of Interest (2009–2018)
Variable name | Variable label | Counties covered | Mean | S.D | Min | Max | N |
Dependent variables (outcome measures) | |||||||
CDC_HEART_DISEASE_DEATH | Total cardiovascular disease (CVD) death rate per 100,000 population per year | 3,152 | 250.7306 | 59.64733 | 56.7 | 645.6 | 31,017 |
CDC_OPIOID_DEATH | Total drug overdose death rate involving any opioid per 100,000 population per year | 554 | 17.82371 | 15.24973 | 0.03 | 157.57 | 3,273 |
Independent (SDoH) variables: Socio-economic context | |||||||
ACS_PCT_FEMALE | Percentage of population that is female | 3,226 | 50.03082 | 2.420218 | 19.16 | 62.64 | 32,208 |
ACS_MEDIAN_AGE | Median Age | 3,226 | 40.46141 | 5.203414 | 18 | 67 | 32,208 |
ACS_PCT_BLACK | Percentage of population reporting Black race | 3,223 | 8.940934 | 14.40663 | 0 | 87.412 | 32,205 |
ACS_PCT_WHITE | Percentage of population reporting White race | 3,223 | 83.3241 | 16.78994 | 3.11 | 100 | 32,205 |
ACS_PCT_HISPAN | Percentage of population reporting Hispanic ethnicity | 3,223 | 83.3241 | 19.15072 | 0 | 100 | 32,205 |
ACS_PCT_ASIAN | Percentage of population reporting Asian race | 3,223 | 1.205131 | 2.624424 | 0 | 52.228 | 32,205 |
ACS_PCT_BACHELOR_DGR | Percentage of population with a bachelor's degree (ages 25 and over) | 3,223 | 13.1801 | 5.419684 | 1.679 | 47.985 | 32,205 |
ACS_MEDIAN_HH_INCOME | Median household income | 3,223 | 46,030.93 | 13,128.92 | 10,499 | 136,268 | 32,203 |
ACS_PCT_PERSON_INC99 | Percentage of population with income to poverty ratio: < 1.00 | 3,223 | 16.9234 | 8.297911 | 0 | 65.715 | 32,204 |
ACS_PCT_UNEMPLOY | Percentage of population that was unemployed (ages 16 years and over) | 3,223 | 4.737517 | 2.302576 | 0 | 30.132 | 32,204 |
ACS_PCT_GRP_QRT | Percentage of persons in institutionalized (correctional) group quarters | 3,223 | 3.480389 | 4.601596 | 0 | 80.178 | 32,205 |
ACS_PCT_VA | Percentage of the civilian population consisting of veterans (ages 18 and over) | 3,223 | 10.18986 | 3.068378 | 0 | 32.399 | 32,205 |
ACS_PCT_ARMED_FORCES | Percentage of civilian population in armed forces (ages 16 years and over) | 3,223 | 0.322018 | 1.661381 | 0 | 81.247 | 32,204 |
Independent (SDoH) variables: Healthcare context | |||||||
AHRF_FED_HLTH_CNT | Number of Federally Qualified Health Centers | 3,226 | 1.972197 | 5.914462 | 0 | 241 | 32,227 |
AHRF_RURAL_H_CLINIC | Number of rural health clinics | 3,226 | 1.255283 | 2.035866 | 0 | 44 | 32,227 |
Independent (SDoH) variables: Physical infrastructure context | |||||||
ACS_TOTAL_HOUSEHOLD | Total number of households | 3,223 | 36,457.85 | 110,690.9 | 22 | 3,306,109 | 32,205 |
ACS_PCT_RENTED_HH | Percentage of occupied housing units: rented | 3,223 | 27.87347 | 8.065046 | 5.275 | 100 | 32,205 |
ACS_PCT_MOBILE_HOME | Percentage of housing units that are mobile homes | 3,223 | 12.78241 | 9.492498 | 0 | 63.485 | 32,205 |