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. 2022 Feb 4;22:236. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-12653-8

Table 4.

The estimated effect of county-level SDoH on the opioid death rate across two specifications

Coefficient Robust Standard Error Coefficient Robust Standard Error
(1) (2)
Socio-economic context
ACS_PCT_FEMALE -2.97943* 1.520326 -0.1038778 1.38789
ACS_MEDIAN_AGE -1.561816 1.06467 -1.818271** 0.9173134
ACS_PCT_BLACK -0.0260737 0.6232132 -0.8427783 0.6334552
ACS_PCT_WHITE -0.0427271 0.1831953 0.0736518 0.1366791
ACS_PCT_HISPAN -0.8499315 0.547428 -0.7622937* 0.4591811
ACS_PCT_ASIAN -0.7129578 0.7763505 -0.3583486 0.700493
ACS_PCT_BACHELOR_DGR 0.828501 0.7093535 -0.0352932 0.6007481
ACS_MEDIAN_HH_INCOME -0.0002196 0.0002075 -0.0002722* 0.0001616
ACS_PCT_PERSON_INC99 0.9581279*** 0.3668685 0.3505055 0.3763996
ACS_PCT_UNEMPLOY 0.2896208 0.4403138 -1.001564 0.6353915
ACS_PCT_GRP_QRT 0.2479495 1.175182 0.3511598 0.9632748
ACS_PCT_VA -1.593724* 0.8986767 -1.352879* 0.8021658
ACS_PCT_ARMED_FORCES 1.086618 0.6898298 -0.6789627 0.4940171
Healthcare context
AHRF_FED_HLTH_CNT 0.0510922 0.0335136 0.0419603 0.0328061
AHRF_RURAL_H_CLINIC -0.0076559 0.3444708 0.3126213 0.226519
Physical infrastructure context
ACS_TOTAL_HOUSEHOLD 0.0000531 0.0000475 0.0000125 0.0000367
ACS_PCT_RENTED_HH -0.1175498 0.3768721 -0.2319311 0.3980847
ACS_PCT_MOBILE_HOME 1.157881* 0.5888022 0.9330352 0.6705346
County Fixed Effects Yes Yes
Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes
State-by-Year Fixed Effects No Yes

Note: *p < 0.10; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01. Robust standard errors clustered at the county level