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. 2022 Feb 6;22:242. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-12673-4

Table 2.

Pearson’s correlation between age, work time during corona (in hours), GAD anxiety severity score, PHQ-9 depressive symptoms severity score and PTSD subscales among seafarers

Age work time during corona (in hours) PHQ-9 depressive severity score GAD-7 score Intrusion Avoidance Vigilance
Age 1 −0.056 0.039 0.073 0.096* 0.108* 0.124*
work time during corona (in hours) −0.056 1 0.116* 0.104* 0.106* 0.092 0.046
PHQ-9 depression severity score 0.039 0.116* 1 0.761* 0.543* 0.398* 0.379*
GAD-7 score 0.073 0.104* 0.761* 1 0.550* 0.418* 0.397*
Intrusion 0.096* 0.106* 0.543* 0.550* 1 0.669* 0.678*
Avoidance 0.108* 0.092 0.398* 0.418* 0.669* 1 0.577*
Vigilance 0.124* 0.046 0.379* 0.397* 0.678* 0.577* 1

*statistically significant (p-value < 0.05)