Extended Data Figure 4: Measured pH-dependence of csat validates the prediction that the minimum value for csat is realized at positive values of NCPR.
(a) Saturation concentration of A1-LCD +7K+12D was measured at 4°C as a function of pH. Individual data points are shown as black crosses, the mean as green symbols, vertical lines represent the standard deviation. (b) Table summarizing the theoretical net charge of A1-LCD +7K+12D and the number of Lys residues that are calculated to be protonated at each pH. (c) Measured csat values for +7K+12D were rescaled using the equation for csc,2. Here, we compare the csc,2 values when we account for all nine Lys residues (red diamonds) or only the number of protonated Lys residues (green diamonds). The latter conform to the master curve, whereas the former deviate significantly from the master curve.