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. 2021 Aug 9;45(1):62–75. doi: 10.1007/s10865-021-00233-x

Table 4.

Mixed-effects model for the association of subjective sleep with next day mood and pain ratings

Outcome Model Predictor B 95% CI p-value Adj p value Overall P
Happy 1 Subjective total sleep time .52
Total number of sleep meds .08
Sex (ref. male) .03
2 Subjective sleep restfulness .020 .005, .036 .01 .02
Total number of sleep meds −.425 −.908, .059 .09
Sex (ref. male) .442 .050, .833 .03
Depressed 3 Subjective total sleep time 0–3 .137 .009, .264 .04 .067
Subjective total sleep time 4–6 .068 .007, .130 .03 .067
Subjective total sleep time 8–10 -.009 −.075, .056 .78 .78 .03
Subjective total sleep time 10 +  .203 .003, .404 .05 .067
HIV status (ref. HIV-) .271 .004, .538 .05
4 Subjective sleep restfulness −.018 −.029, −.007 .001 .003
Sex (ref. male) .278 .012, .545 .04
Worthless 5 Subjective total sleep time .76
Sex (ref. male) .09
6 Subjective sleep restfulness −.002 −.008, .004 .44 .44
Sex (ref. male) −.084 −.180, .012 .09
Anxious 7 Subjective total sleep time .84
HIV status (ref. HIV-) .03
8 Subjective sleep restfulness -.011 −.021, .000 .05 .075
HIV status (ref. HIV-) .299 .027, .570 .03
Worried 9 Subjective total sleep time .21
HIV status (ref. HIV-) .02
10 Subjective sleep restfulness −.009 −.020, .001 .08 .096
HIV status (ref. HIV-) .311 .049, .572 .02
Pain 11 Subjective total sleep time .51
HIV status (ref. HIV-) .04
12 Subjective sleep restfulness −.043 −.068, −.019 .001 .003
HIV status (ref. HIV-) .712 .028, 1.395 .04

Categorical subjective sleep predictors (i.e., Subjective total sleep time 0–3, etc.) and overall P presented only for significant Subjective total sleep outcomes (i.e., depressed mood; p < .05); overall P = p-value for Subjective total sleep time; reference group is Subjective total sleep time 6–8 h; Adj P, p-values are corrected for multiple testing with the Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) method 1) in comparisons of Subjective total sleep time 6–8 vs. the other sleep time groups; 2) in association analyses between the related outcomes (pain and mood, e.g., happy, worried) and Subjective sleep restfulness; significant associations (p < .05) are in bold