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. 2001 Jul;39(7):2618–2626. doi: 10.1128/JCM.39.7.2618-2626.2001


Comparison of results for open lung biopsy specimens

Case no. Slide Result of:
Cultureb 5S rDNA PCR with
mipa PCR with:
WS staining DFA assay ISHa
1st eluant 2nd eluant 1st eluant 2nd eluant
1 O Lp 1 + +
1 G Lp 1 + +
2 E Lp 1 +
2 H Lp 1 + + +
3 B L. bozemanii + c c + c
3 N L. bozemanii + c c + c
4 M LDB + +
5 P LDB +
5 C LDB +
6 D LDB + + + + + +
6 L LDB + + + + +
7 I LDB + + + + +
7 K LDB + + + + +
8 A Lp 1 + + + + +
9 F Lp 1 + + +
9 J LDB + + +
 Total no. of positive  specimensd 6 9 1 1 10 7 14
10 Q
11 R
12 S
13 T
14 U
15 V
16 W
17 X

mip PCR and ISH assays were both directed only at L. pneumophila; non-L. pneumophila cases were not included in evaluation of these tests (therefore, only 14 specimens were considered). 


Lp 1, L. pneumophila serogroup 1. For LDB cultures when these tissue specimens were collected, they were not identified to the species level because fluorescent antibody conjugates for species identification of isolated colonies were not available. LDB organisms were identified as L. pneumophila from the ISH assay performed in the present study. As these specimens were fixed in formalin it was not possible to culture them at the time the current study was performed). 


Result negative, but this assay was not designed for detection of L. bozemanii


For cases 1 to 9, 11 of 16 (5S target) were positive when the results from both the first and second eluants were combined, and 2 of 14 (mip target) were positive when the results from the first and second eluants were combined.