Report Type | Report Elements |
Monthly Report |
Quarterly Narrative Update |
Quarterly Quantitative Update |
Final Report |
Information about dose wastage was not originally incorporated into the report template, but was included in later revisions.
E.g., doses that were not used prior to reaching their expiration dates or vaccine that was unable to be used because of temperature storage errors or mishaps.
Although three awardees provided some information on testing, each reported information differently and the completeness of reporting of testing could not be determined. Thus, information regarding testing was not included in the final summary report for the HepB Pilot project.
I.e., practices regarding communication and training with sites, vaccination strategies to identify and offer vaccination to persons at risk for HepB, and IIS use to capture doses administered and dose-series completion. Universal settings include those settings where a high proportion of persons who see care have risk factors for HBV infection, such as sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics, HIV clinics, correctional facilities, and drug treatment centers. Non-universal settings would include general medical care clinics such as the health department, community health centers, or primary care clinics.
E.g., corrections, STD clinics, other health department clinics, drug treatment centers.
Awardees that did not utilize all of their allotted HepB vaccine by the time the project ended in September 2015 (including the 1-year no-cost extension) were asked to report monthly regarding the number of doses administered, number of doses unused, and number of doses that had expired or been unused due to other reasons such as interruptions in maintaining recommended storage conditions.
Such as age, race/ethnicity, sex, specific risk factor(s) for HBV infection, to assess if awardees were accessing persons at greatest risk of HBV infection in their jurisdictions.