Stage 1 |
Familiarization involves establishing an overall familiarity with the data by immersing oneself in telephone interview notes. In this trial, as a first step, two program staff will conduct a review of all interview notes. |
Stage 2 |
Identifying a thematic framework includes identifying key themes or concepts that emerge from the data, which provides a manageable structure for examining the data. We will develop a codebook based on themes derived from the interview guide, notes, and knowledge of the PHC program structure, including the three core program components of patient, clinician, and system change. The codebook will provide an overview of the theme-based coding structure, guiding principles for coding, definitions, and examples. |
Stage 3 |
Indexing is systematically applying the thematic framework to all the textual data. We will conduct at least two rounds of test-coding exercises and discussion to establish intercoder reliability. We will examine overlap, discrepancies, and agreement for predefined codes and revised to establish greater agreement among coders. A team of three trial staff will code the data using the codebook codes. |
Stage 4 |
Charting involves arranging the data in accordance with the thematic framework and “charting” the data through synthesis and abstraction into a theme- or case-based chart. Consequently, we will generate a theme-based chart to organize the data by code, informant role, site, and implementation phase. We will review the coding reports and populate a matrix with themes and patterns identified within each site at each implementation phase by informant role. |
Stage 5 |
Mapping and interpretation will include reviewing and summarizing the matrix themes within each site and time point (mapping) and summarizing and assessing across sites and implementation phases and week time points to better understand the themes across all the data (interpretation). |