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. 2021 Nov 3;15(1):62–65. doi: 10.14802/jmd.21005

Table 1.

Patient characteristics and DBS treatment response

Age at onset Symptoms Age at DBS implant DBS target Stimulation response Duration of response
Hebb et al. [6], 2006 15 months - Complex hyperkinetic syndrome 17 years VIM (unilateral) - Contralateral chorea, myoclonus improved in few days to weeks - Improvements stabilized after first year
- Severe chorea
- Myoclonus - Eventually (with increased amplitude of stimulation) axial and then ipsilateral improvements noted - System inadvertently deactivated 4 years postop, no deterioration in clinical symptoms
- Bilateral intention tremor
- Dystonic features - Intention tremor and dystonia persisted
Hamasaki et al. [5], 2010 30 years - Cervical dystonia that progressed to secondary generalized 52 years GPi (bilateral) - Dystonia and dystonic tremor improved over first weeks to months - Continued improvements to 5 months with stabilization at last follow-up
- Blepharospasm
- Oromandibular grimacing - Axial symptoms did not improve
- Truncal bending and torsion
- Dystonic tremor
- Postural instability
Our patient - 1st implant 12–15 months - Frequent stumbling 10 years GPi (bilateral) - Mild to moderate bilateral tremor reduction - High impedance noted after 4 months prompting surgical exploration
- Poor coordination with clumsy movements
- Balance difficulty - Opted to move intracranial leads to bilateral VIM in hopes of better response
- Tremor (started at age 5)
Our patient - 2nd implant Same Same 11 years VIM (bilateral) - Resting tremor resolved with significant improvement in intention tremor - Continued refinement in programming with continued substantial improvement in tremor control 12 months postoperatively

DBS, deep brain stimulation; VIM, ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus; GPi, globus pallidus interna.