Fig. 3.
Presence and absence of DNMT family members in Arthropoda indicated by filled and open symbols, respectively for DNMT1 (red), DNMT2 (green), and DNMT3 (blue). Data sources are indicated by symbol shape: filled circle—proteome, filled square—genome, filled triangle—transcriptome. The rightmost column (golden circles) shows the presence and absence of DNA methylation as predicted from the O/E CpG ratio. Absence of golden circle indicates missing data. The species list is given on turquoise background with alternating shades indicating the order membership. The name of the order (or suitable higher group marked with an asterisk *) is given in bold. Alternating shades of brown indicate (from top to bottom) Chelicerata, Myriapoda, Multicrustacea, Branchiopoda, and Hexapoda. Stars in the species tree denote proposed loss events inferred from absence of a DNMT in all species of a subtree comprising at least two leaves, disregarding absences in species with transcriptomic data only (Color figure online)