Enhance communication |
Ensure that communication from healthcare professionals and direct care staff is transparent, accurate, and timely to ensure effective family partnership in key care decisions
Establish communication mechanisms so that family members can report changes in a relative’s health status to the professional care team
Achieve family-centered care |
Develop strategies to fully incorporate family members as part of care teams both in RLTC as well during key transitions to or from RLTC settings
Discourage scripts (e.g., predetermined and inflexible agendas; use of clinical jargon) when meeting with families to ensure that care and services are more effectively person- and family centered
Family as policy driver |
Move beyond the family council and develop/implement governance structures that allow family design of actual care processes and policies in RLTC
Follow visitation recommendations |
Focus on understudied sociodemographic contexts |
Advance measurement |
Transitions to and from RLTC |
Conduct ongoing descriptive research on family involvement in transitions to and from RLTC with the goal of advancing interventions to help families and RLTCs improve and better navigate these transitions, including:
Intervention development |
Triadic focus |
Longitudinal perspective |
Conduct longitudinal analyses of change in family involvement to inform the timing and content of interventions
Continue to examine how changes in family involvement are predictive of key family, staff, and resident outcomes in RLTC