Table 1.
Hh signaling involved in tendon and enthesis healing (ACL: anterior cruciate ligament).
Tissue type | Species | Injury model | Cell population after injury | Gene expression after injury | Protein expression after injury |
Supraspinatus tendon enthesis32 | Mature mouse | Enthesis needle punch | Increasing numbers of Hh-lineage cells over time | Low expression of Notch 1 | |
Immature mouse | Enthesis needle punch | Consistently high numbers of Hh-lineage cells throughout healing period | High expression of Notch 1 | ||
Supraspinatus tendon enthesis43 | Rat | Tendon transection, followed by transosseous repair | Increased Sox9-positive cells and Ihh-posibve cells at enthesis | Increased expression of Gli1, PTCH1, Ihh, Col2, and Sox9 | |
Supraspinatus tendon enthesis43 | Rat | Tendon transection, followed by transosseous repair | Similar expression of Scx, Tnmd; Increased expression of Smo, Col1. Acan | ||
ACL enthesis40 | Rat | Full-thick ness transection of ACL followed by reconstruction using flexor tendon graft | Increased expression of Gli1 and PTCH1 | ||
ACL enthesis41 | Mouse | Full-thickness transection of ACL followed by reconstruction with autograft | Similar expression of Scx, Sox9, and matrix metalloproteinases; Increased expression of Acan | Increased expression of Ihh Wnt, and PTHrP | |
Tibialis anterior tendon44 | Mouse | Full-thickness transection followed by suture repair | Higher expression of Mkx, Scx, Egr1, Col1a1, Col1a2, Tnmd, Thbs4, Tppp3, Bglap, Gli1 Shh |