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. 2022 Jan 25;12:802827. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.802827



The expression profiles of genes implicated in floral transition from six pathways. The four boxes (left to right) in one row of each heat map correspond to the expression levels in NF_1, NF_2, LF_1, and LF_2, respectively. TPS, trehalose-6-phosphate synthase, TPP, trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase, CDF3, cycling dof factor 3; COP1, constitutively photomorphogenic 1; CO3, CONSTANS like 3; GAI, GA insensitive; ARP6, actin related protein 6; PIF4, phytochrome interacting factor 4; FRI, FRIGIDA; VRN1, vernalization 1; AGL24, agamous like24; AP1, apetala1, LFY, LEAFY; TFL1, terminal flower 1. Full and dashed lines indicated the directly and indirectly acting, respectively. Arrows meant positive relationships and stubs meant the opposite relationships.