Figure 4.
Clinical manifestations of SNO-Hb function. A. Arterial-venous difference in SNO-Hb content in normal humans breathing room air. SNO-Hb is high in oxygenated arterial blood and lower in deoxygenated venous blood (protected from air) consistent with allosteric regulation of SNO bioactivity. Adapted from (McMahon et al., 2002). B. Mice lacking βCys93 SNO-Hb exhibit elevated rate of death after myocardial infarction consequent upon ischemia-reperfusion injury. Adapted from (Zhang et al., 2016). C. Tissue oxygenation is elevated in sheep transfused with 2 units of blood renitrosylated by treatment with ethyl nitrite vs blood left untreated and deficient in SNO-Hb. Adapted from (Reynolds et al., 2013). D. Reduced complications in pediatric bypass patients after transfusion correlates with patient SNO-Hb level post-transfusion. Adapted from (Matto et al., 2018).