Table 2.
Topic | Learning objectives |
Introduction to Electrocardiograms |
∙ Analyze an ECG from Leads I and III and identify the primary waves (P, QRS, T) ∙ Identify the factors that cause changes in the ECG, both from one person to another, and for one person at different periods of time. ∙ Compare the displayed calculated ECG Lead II to recorded ECG Leads I and III, and use the R-wave amplitudes to confirm Einthoven’s Law ∙ Approximate the mean electrical axis of the ventricles on the frontal plane using vectors derived from the amplitude and polarity of the QRS complex in Leads I and III. ∙ Sketch a Wigger’s diagram and pressure-volume loop using your ECG, arterial blood pressure, and estimates of total blood volume |
EKGs in the clinic |
∙ List the steps required to conduct a 12-lead EKG using clinical equipment ∙ Explain how to set-up a continuous monitoring EKG system using clinical equipment ∙ Describe the main clinical indicators for a patient to receive an EKG in the ER ∙ Explain what an EKG can diagnose and the limitations ∙ Identify common EKG abnormalities |
Do-it-yourself Electrocardiogram (DIY EKG) |
∙ Build, test, trouble-shoot and demonstrate a simple EKG amplifier on a breadboard ∙ Interface, program and control a microcontroller board (Arduino) with your computer ∙ Monitor, acquire, store and analyze a digitized single lead EKG signal using the Arduino board and directly using MATLAB. ∙ Identify prominent waves (PQRST) in the human EKG ∙ Determine the heart rate and other simple parameters from a single lead EKG signal |
Cardiac Catheterization |
∙ Compare the various imaging modalities used in the cardiac catheterization lab, how they are used, and their limitations in the lab ∙ Analyze hemodynamic data and anatomic measurements collected during catheterization lab procedures ∙ Analyze the frequency response of a pressure catheter ∙ Compare pressure waveforms acquired from different locations in the human body ∙ Compute the approximate aortic valve area assuming Bernoulli’s equation applies to flow (Gorlin Equation) |