Changes in mean particle concentration particles/ft3
(p/ft3) exposure for different OR personnel before and after
surgical instrument. All pre-instrumentation values normalized to zero to
illustrate changes in concentration. (a) The mean difference in particle
concentration before and after cold instrumentation with suction was 716
p/ft3 at the surgeon position, −112 p/ft3 at the
circulator workstation position, and –398 p/ft3 at the anesthesia
provider position. (b) Ex vivo aerosol concentrations measured after
progressively longer durations of use, demonstrated comparable aerosol
concentrations when compared at the operator position. (c) The mean
difference in particle concentration before and after microdebrider use was
1825 (p = 0.001) at the surgeon position, 40 p/ft3 at the
circulator workstation position, and −935 p/ft3 at the anesthesia
provider position. (d) The mean difference in particle concentration before
and after drill use was 2418 p/ft3 (p = 0.001) at the surgeon
position, –34 p/ft3 at the circulator workstation position, and
−1690 p/ft3 at the anesthesia provider position. 95% confidence
intervals designated by black bars.