Table 2.
Databases and literature sources used by NPPO of China for the compilation of the Dossier
1. Databases: | | | | | | | | |
2. National Plant Protection Organisations, and Other National and Local Government Agencies: |
The No. 4 Announcement of the State Forestry Bureau on the Disease Epidemic Area of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (2017).(a) |
3. Journals and Magazines of Research Institutes, Colleges and Universities, Scientific Circles, Science and Trades, etc.: |
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Dai YC, 2004. First report of laminated root rot on Sabina przewalskii caused by Phellinus weirii sensu stricto in China. Plant Disease, 88, 573–573. |
Dai YC and Qin GF, 1998. Phellinidium sulphurascens – a forest pathogen in China. Fungal Science, 13, 101–107. |
Hua LZ, 1982. A check list of the longicorn beetles of China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Guangzhou, Zhongshan University, 159. |
Ji L, Z Wang, Wang X and An L, 2011. Forest insect pest management and forest management in China: An Overview. Environmental Management, 48, 1107–1121.‐011‐9697‐1 |
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Nickle WR, 1991. Manual of Agricultural Nematology. Marcel Dekker, INC., New York, USA. 1064 pp. |
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Shen YA, 1999. Study on the Bionomics and control of Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida & Inouye. Journal of Fujian College of Forestry, 19, 50–53. |
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Zhongying G and Xinhua W, 2009. Quarantine and identification of harmful organisms in wooden packages. Shanghai, Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers. a |
Qi Z, 2014. Biological characteristics and control of Ips typographus Heer in forest areas. Heilongjiang Science and Technology Information, 28, 250–250. a |
Zinno Y and Endo A, 1964. Needle rust of Pinus pentaphylla MAYR caused by Coleosporium eupatorii. Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society, 46, 178–180. |
Zinno Y and Chiba O, 1967. On a needle rust of Pinus strobus LINN caused by Coleosporium paederiae DITEL ex HIRATSUKA: Life history and morphology of the causal fungus. Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society, 49, 321–327. |
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