Figure 1.
(A) Initial cone beam computed tomography image. (B-1) Establishing the midsagittal plane in the axial section reorients the head image in the bottom view. (B-2) Clipping the axial section of the maxilla helps the operator determine the maxillary dental midline (white arrow) by visualizing the maxillary central incisors. (B-3) In this case, the maxillary dental midline coincided with the facial midline determined by clinical photos and examination. (C-1) After reorienting the head image to the frontal view, clipping the anterior part of the face in the coronal section aids in visualizing the lower borders of the orbital floors. (C-2) The horizontal reference plane (tangent dotted line) is established in maximum contact with the lower borders of the orbital floors. The Or-3D is indicated. (D) Final adjustment of head position after comparison with clinical photographs. All images are from Kook and Kim9 courtesy of the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics.