Flow diagram of loss functions incorporated into the training of the lung
deformable image registration algorithm (LungReg). Inspiratory (I) and
affine-registered expiratory (E) images are propagated through a
three-dimensional (3D) U-Net convolutional neural network (CNN),
to predict a displacement field (u). The spatial transformation is then
applied to affine-registered expiratory images using a spatial
transformer to deformably register expiratory images to inspiratory
images. Four loss function components point to the U-Net because they
are used to optimize U-Net weights: cross-correlation for image
similarity (ℒCC), displacement
regularization for smooth deformations (ℒφ),
Dice overlap score for alignment of anatomic structures
(ℒseg), and percentage of voxels with nonpositive
Jacobian determinants (ℒjac) to encourage
transformation invertibility. Note the segmentations are only used
during LungReg training and are not required during inference time.
Black lines = forward propagation, blue lines = spatial transformations,
orange lines = loss functions, ϕ = spatial transformation