Manual and automated segmentations of breast cancer. (A)
Inputs to the model consisting of the first postcontrast image (T1c),
postcontrast minus precontrast image (T1) (DCE-in), and washout
(DCE-out), with an independent reference for radiologist 4 (R4) made
from the intersection of radiologists 1–3 (R1–R3 [Ref4])
and the network output (M Probs) indicating probability that a voxel is
cancer (green = low; red = high). (B) Example segmentation
from all four radiologists (R1–R4) for a given section, and the
model segmentation created by thresholding probabilities (M). Dice
scores for R4 and M were computed using Ref4 as the target.
(C) Zooming in on the areas outlined in yellow in
B, showing the boundaries of segmentations for the
machine as well as human-generated segmentations as drawn on the screen
by R1–R4.